1. Hao Xu†, Zhengyang Zhou†, Pengyu Hong*
Enhancing Peak Assignment in CNMR Spectroscopy: A Novel Approach Using Multimodal Alignment.
ICML 2024, AI4Science Workshop (oral)
2. Hao Xu†, Zhengyang Zhou†, Pengyu Hong*
Graph Multi-Similarity Learning for Molecular Property Prediction.
ICML 2024, AI4Science Workshop (poster)
3. Hao Xu†, Yifei Wang†, Yunrui Li†, Pengyu Hong*
Asymmetric contrastive multimodal learning for advancing chemical understanding.
Communications Chemistry, under revision
4. Yunrui Li†, Hao Xu†, Ambrish Kumar, Duosheng Wang, Christian Heiss, Parastoo Azadi,Pengyu Hong*
Solvent-Aware 2D NMR Prediction: Leveraging Multi-Tasking Training and Iterative Self-Training Strategies.
Communications Chemistry, under revision
5. Zhengyang Zhou†, Hao Xu†, Ambrish Kumar, Duosheng Wang, Christian Heiss, Parastoo Azadi,Pengyu Hong*
Multimodal Fusion with Relational Learning for Molecular Property Prediction.
under review
1. Hao Xu, Duo-Sheng Wang, Zhen-Yu Zhu, Arghya Deb, and X. Peter Zhang*
Enantioselective Radical N-Heterobicyclization by New Mode of Asymmetric Induction via Kinetically Stable Chiral Radical Center.
Chem 2024, 10, 283-298.
2. Xavier Riart-Ferrer, Peng Sang, Jingran Tao, Hao Xu , Li-Mei Jin, Hongjian Lu, Xin Cui,Lukasz Wojtas, and X. Peter Zhang*
Metalloradical Activation of Carbonyl Azides for Enantioselective Radical Aziridination of Alkenes.
Chem 2021, 7, 1120-1134.
Ph. D. in Chemistry: Computation Aided Investigation of Radical Amination and Hydroxylation via Co(II)-based Metalloradical Catalysis. Link
M. S. in Computer Science
Coursework: CS 6210 Advanced Operating Systems, CS 6250 Computer Networks, CS 6290 High Performance Computer Architecture, CS 6300 Software Development Process, CS 6310 Software Architecture and Design, CS 6340 Software Analysis and Testing, CS 6400 Database System Concepts and Design, CS 7643 Deep Learning, CS 6515 Intro to Graduate Algorithms, INTA 6450 Data Analytics and Security.
1. Hao Xu , Shuo-Ning Li, Yan-Qing Yang, Yun Zhou, Yang-Qian Zhen, Qing-Hua Bian, Jiang-Chun Zhong*
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of Japonilure and its Enantiomer.
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2014, 25, 1372–1375.
2. Shuo-Ning Li, Ling-Lan Fang,Jiang-Chun Zhong, Jun-Jian Shen, Hao Xu, Yan-Qing Yang, Shi-Cong Hou*, Qing-hua Bian*
Catalytic Asymmetric Synthesis of the Colorado Potato Beetle Pheromone and its Enantiomer.
Tetrahedron: Asymmetry 2014, 25, 591-595.
B. S. in Chemistry: Computer Aided Design of Asian Corn Borer Chitinase Inhibitor via Docking and Dynamics.
B. E. in Finance: An Examination of Technical Analysis in the Chinese Stock Market.
Courage is grace under pressure!